SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®
The head office of SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®: Les Condamines – 761 Route de Valence – CS 40004 – 38160 SAINT-ROMANS – France
- SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®:
- SAS (simplified joint stock co.) with capital of € 1,114,000
- RC (company registry) Grenoble 62B225
- SIRET 062 502 257 00017
- NAF CODE 2530Z
- VAT No. CEE FR 60 062 502 257
General information
Legal representative and publication manager
The legal representative of SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®: and publication manager is Mr. Patrice EYMARD-VERNEIN.
To contact the company:
Conception and production
Faena – ZI, 3 chemin Les Échavagnes – 38160 SAINT-MARCELLIN
Tel 04 76 38 92 48
Intellectual property laws
The content of this site is subject to intellectual property laws.
The presentation and content of this site is protected by current laws regarding intellectual property, of which SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®: is the owner.
The titles and names, photos, slogans, logos, brand names, accounts, etc. are used either with the authorization of their owner, or for information purposes only about a product or service.
Photos, texts, slogans, drawings, models, images, moving images with or without sound, and any other works used on the site are the property of SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®: or a third-party which has given authorization for their use
Photo credits
SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche®
Paper or digital copies of the site are authorized for strictly personal use. Copies cannot be be used for commercial and/or publicity and/or for information dissemination and must be in compliance with article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property law.
With the exception of the above-mentioned measures, any copy, representation, use, or modification by any means or in any format, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the works or product models on the site without prior authorization from SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® is strictly forbidden, and is considered a forgery offense, punishable by two years of prison and a fine of €150,000.
Information about the products and services
This site is a general presentation of SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® range of products and services. Information presented by text, photo, or other means are for information purposes only, and have no contractual value which justify legal action.
SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® reserves the right to modify the information on this site, in particular with regard to the technical characteristics of the products presented, given the interactivity of the site, without engaging the client’s responsibility.
Product photos are non-binding and technical characteristics subject to modification.
Personal information and other data
When you visit our site we may place cookies in your computer. A cookie is a small block of data sent to your browser by a web server which is stored on your computer’s hard drive. We cannot identify you personally with cookies. More generally, by using cookies we can register information about your browsing habits on your computer when visiting our site (the country and language chosen, etc.). This information will be consulted when you visit our site in the future to facilitate your browsing.
Of course you can configure your browser to refuse cookies being saved on your computer.
You can also delete cookies, individually and at any time, by consulting your computer’s user guide.
Hypertext links
The creation of hypertext links with this site is subject to prior written approval by the customer. If you wish to create a hypertext link to our site, please contact SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® legal representative.
SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® cannot be held responsible for sites featuring a hypertext link to this site, and takes no responsibility for their content or use.
Limitation of liability
The user uses this site at their own risk. Neither the name of the client, nor their subsidiaries, nor members of their network can be held responsible for direct or indirect damages, particularly material damage, loss of data or programs, and financial loss, resulting from accessing or using this site, or any sites linked to it. The content of this site is not guaranteed in any way.
Information about models and their characteristics correspond to a definition at the time the site went on line, or the update of certain pages of the site. They are given for information purposes only, and do not represent a binding proposition of any services or products provided by the client. Errors and omissions are possible. Within the context of a contractual relation, only the quote addressed to the client is binding.
Governing laws
These terms and conditions are governed by French law. The language for the terms and conditions is French. In the event of litigation, these terms and conditions are subject to French law only.
SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® is subject to the Grenoble court of law.
Legal notice updates
SDMS La Chaudronnerie Blanche® reserves the right to modify and update access to the site and the legal notice at any time.